Adams County, ND, founded in the year of 1907, was named after John Quincy Adams. With the total area of 989 sq mile, it has around 2K population, 1K households and 0.7K families as per the updated census records. Its largest city and the county seat is Hettinger.
The racial tradition of the county is composed of the White, Asian, African American, Hispanic or Latino of any race, Native American, Pacific Islander along with two or more other races.
Adams County records archive eventually provides ample data regarding ancestral genealogy and lineal biography at an instant. This huge database is an affluent amalgamation of prolific information that includes birth details, census and ancestral Social Security Numbers with naturalization and immigration details, divorce decree license and marital status, probates and civil lawsuit information, death reports, real estate deeds, military service, civil wars records and other indispensable information. Thus one can easily satisfy all the necessary requirements just with a simple click!