With the population more or less 85K including above 33K households and 21K families resides in Burleigh County. It was founded in 1873. It was named in the honor to Walter A. Burleigh and has a total area around 1,668 sq mi, its biggest city and county seat is Bismarck.
The racial culture of the county is Native American, White, African American Asian, Hispanic or Latino of any race, Pacific Islander along with different other races.
Reveal the golden ideas regarding the ancient past from Burleigh County data storage instantly. Immense information including nuptials, birth, civil war data, separation verdicts and death news, census reports including ancestral Social Security Number, immigration and naturalization details, real estate deeds, war veterans history, probates and court records with loads more stands out to be significant in terms of pulling up social and chronological information without any delay.