Named after Edward H. McIntosh, McIntosh County was founded in 1883 covering an area around 995 sq mi. Its county seat is Ashley and the largest city is Wishek. As per the census report its total population is approximately 3K whereas there are around 1.5K households and 1K family units.
The integrated tradition of the county is Native American, Pacific Islander, Asian, white, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino and others.
Basic fundamental truths and facts of ancestry widely encourage the growth of the McIntosh County data index. Immense historical facts and plentiful hidden clues on Divorce decree, ancestral Social Security Numbers, Census figures , military service, death news, civil court public documents , immigration details, property deeds, marriage history, birth, last will and estate data, civil war particulars and loads of other important reports together reveals the most awaited data of the past. Hence the site enhances the online reclamation of valuable accounts with a great accuracy.